PortugalCar Rental
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Portugal Car Rental

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Search and Compare Car Rentals in Portugal

Compare 1000's of cars from 52 Companies in 167 Locations in Portugal

Compare hundreds of the best value offers in an instant...

Free Cancellations + Amendments

Cancel or amend your booking at any time with zero cost or hassle.

Free Collision Waiver

Rent without any concerns

24/7 Customer Service

Don't worry about timezones we've got you covered at all times of the day.

No Credit Card Fees

We don't charge any additional fees for your card payments.

Unbeatable Value Car Rental

Get instant quotes from the best car rental companies in Portugal including:

Car Rental Companies in Portugal

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Planning a trip to or around Portugal and need a rental car? You can plan your car rental in Portugal and find the best options for vehicle type, cost, and pick-up and drop-off locations. If part of your journey is by train, there are 7 train stations in Portugal with car rental offices in or nearby - Find out more here.... Don't want the hassle of paying individual road tolls? The following car rental companies in Portugal can all provide automated toll passes with any rental car (additional charges may apply):

Driving in a foreign country? It is highly recomended to have an International Drivers Permit (IDP) to reduce/avoid issues when driving. IPD's are valid identification in over 150 countries and contain your driver information in the 12 most widely used languages. Some car rental companies will insist on you having one, and in certain countries they are mandatory depending on your country of origin - Hit this link to organise your international drivers permit - digital version delivered in just 2 hours or less (printed version will be mailed).

Map of Popular Locations in Portugal

Latitude: 39.399872
Longitude: -8.224454
Browse our great value car rentals now!

Popular Car Rental Locations in Portugal by City/Town Name

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Frequently Asked Questions About Renting a Car in Portugal

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We recommend that you check the licence requirements for your specific car rental booking as this will advise if you will need an international licence for your car hire. When you are making a booking online you can check this by clicking the Important Information button and going to the Driver section. If you already have a booking you can check the Driver's Licence section of your rental conditions by clicking the "Car Hire Voucher" button/link on your confirmation voucher/email. If your licence is not printed in the Roman alphabet (i.e Arabic, Greek, Russian) you will almost always need an international licence. If an international licence is required for your booking, you must also bring your domestic licence with you to present it along with your international licence. International Drivers Permits (IDP) are valid identification in over 150 countries and contain your driver information in the 12 most widely used languages. Some car rental companies will insist on you having one, and in certain countries they are mandatory depending on your country of origin - Hit this link to organise your international drivers permit - digital version delivered in just 2 hours or less (printed version will be mailed).
In Portugal you must drive on the Right.
Yes, most car rental agents have a minimum age limit of 21 years for car rentals in Portugal. However, requirements may vary depending on the car rental supplier and destination country. Please note that there may be additional charges if the main driver is under 25 old to cover the extra insurance cost. When you run a search, make sure to include your age if you are under 25. This way any applicable young driver fee will be included in the total rate displayed online.
There are only a few locations and suppliers that will permit under 21's to rent a vehicle in Portugal - those that do invariably tend to have very high additional fees to do so.
Yes - most car rental companies will rent cars to the over 75's in Portugal - specific age limits can apply in certain locations, and many car rental companies have no age limit at all. However, there invariably tends to be an increased day rate and/or insurance cover required for those over 75
There are 7 train stations in Portugal with car rental offices in or nearby - Click here to see a full list of all Train Stations with car rental offices located in or near the Train Stations in Portugal
Some car rental companies have offices in or near Train Stations in Portugal - Click here to see which car rental companies have offices in or nearby Train Stations in Portugal
The following car rental companies offer toll/charge payment devices for rent with a rental car in Portugal:

Airport Car Rental Locations in Portugal

Train Station Car Rental Locations in Portugal

Don't waste time... Book your car rental early for the best prices.