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Planning a trip to or around Japan and need a rental car? You can plan your car rental in Japan and find the best options for vehicle type, cost, and pick-up and drop-off locations. If part of your journey is by train, there are 315 train stations in Japan with car rental offices in or nearby - Find out more here.... Don't want the hassle of paying individual road tolls? The following car rental companies in Japan can all provide automated toll passes with any rental car (additional charges may apply):
Driving in a foreign country? It is highly recomended to have an International Drivers Permit (IDP) to reduce/avoid issues when driving. IPD's are valid identification in over 150 countries and contain your driver information in the 12 most widely used languages. Some car rental companies will insist on you having one, and in certain countries they are mandatory depending on your country of origin - Hit this link to organise your international drivers permit - digital version delivered in just 2 hours or less (printed version will be mailed).